A Beautiful Surprise

Adam and I are SO excited to finally announce we are expecting a sweet little baby to join our family in July 2013! Yes, I said July – the hottest month possible in sunny Florida, i’m already planning on stocking the freezer with popsicles and making our house into a igloo. Penguins are welcomed.

Now I did post in the title, “beautiful surprise” because this little baby was just that, and we couldn’t be more excited! What’s even more special is the moments leading up to the big fat positive I got at 6:00 a.m. on November 15.

Adam and I had been occasionally talking about starting a family some time in 2013, the day or month were yet to be decided, but we were both getting the itch to add a little member to family, that didn’t have four legs!

I have never been a fan of birth control and haven’t been the best of staying on a strict schedule, well after working an insane amount of hours for an event that monopolized my life, that little blue package just sat as target as I kept missing getting there before the pharmacy closed. Not a big deal, this was actually perfect, it would be a great chance for me to get off birth control and regulate my body since we wanted to start trying sometime within the next year anyways.

So it was decided, i was off!

I quickly went back to my normal life, in fact, the next couple weeks Adam and didn’t see each other much since he was traveling for work and I was traveling to Wisconsin to celebrate the first baby to be arriving in our family! My sister-in-law Lorin is pregnant with a little girl due in January and I was off to host her baby shower with friends and family. I had to wake up at 5 a.m. to catch my early flight out and begin a fun, but busy weekend with family.

The whole time I was home, i just felt OFF. I was extremely tired, which I blamed on recovery from work and the early flight. I was extremely thirsty, non-stop, felt absent minded, and would randomly feel dizzy. I chalked those things up to my body getting used to not being on birth control. Little did I know that there was a little poppy seed in my belly! The best part of it now looking back is I had about a million and one questions that weekend on when Adam and I were going to start a family. Our baby decided, now:)

One I arrived back home, i slept a lot and continued to feel off. Well, two days after being late, I woke up and stretched and my stomach felt like i was pulling ligaments apart, and i thought this is weird, plus i’m NEVER late, ever. So, I thought better be safe then sorry. I’ve taken these test before, i know how they work. You get the control line to show up right away and on with your day!

So, groggy eyed I took the test, saw the control line show up right away and thought nothing of it. I was about to set it down, and had it on an angle and saw a faint line starting to form. I assure you I was not sleepy eyed anymore. As I held it, it got darker and darker. There it was TWO pink lines. Pregnant.

I have always thought about how I would tell Adam someday… wrap up a cute onesie, make him a meal with baby foods like Becky does on Full House to tell Uncle Jesse. I mean I was going to make it just as cool, if not more. Well, that all went out the window as I ran into our bedroom screaming, wake up, wake up! After shaking, hugging, crying, laughing in the early morning, we were pregnant. Him and I. It was such a crazy, amazing, beautiful moment.

But, as you go through life, you learn nothing ever seems to go according to plan. The best part about this is I know this baby was according to God’s plan. How do I know?

– The past several months, i couldnt’ stop thinking about being a mother. I even started volunteering at our church’s nursery to help with the desire.

– We just bought our town house in florida, knowing we could raise a baby here someday. Now we don’t need to worry about moving.

– The day I told Adam we were pregnant, he said the day before for some reason he was thinking about how excited he is to be a dad.

– One of Adam’s best friend’s Zach told Adam he just had the thought Adam is ready to be a father.

– Adam and Aaron will have babies six months apart- how amazing is that!?

God was preparing us, without even knowing. We are so excited and blessed to go on this journey from being husband and wife to mom and dad. We are already so in love with our little baby. I will be blogging my pregnancy since I live far away from so many family and friends!

My first belly shot! 4 weeks along.

My first belly shot! 4 weeks along.

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